2024 Rome, Italy

I-56 Elrod Chris
SAEM in Pumas – A systematic evaluation and benchmarking
I-57 Charles Margossian
Solving ODEs in a Bayesian context: challenges and opportunities
I-58 Andreas Noack
Generalized FOCE with Pumas
I-59 Monika Twarogowska
Implementation of the standard concentration - QTc study using MonolixSuite applications on the example of Dofetilide.
I-60 Sergei Vavilov
Parameter estimation in nonlinear fixed-effects QSP models: benchmark of optimization methods
I-61 Yi Zhang
Torsten: Stan functions for pharmacometric applications - Improvements and new R interface workflow
II-71 Vianney Tuloup
Drug exposure prediction in renal impaired patient: an IMSM approach